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Heaven’s Gate: A Message of Truth

Writer's picture: Ernesto Cardona J (Oracle)Ernesto Cardona J (Oracle)

Hello to All,

This message will be written a little different from what you are used to reading from me yet a little similar. I hope it brings you spiritual understanding and total awareness.

I woke up Monday morning from a vivid dream. I could see from the corner of the room a very tall figure glowing in white and I could hear what I can only describe as a vibrational sound coming from this Ascended Guide. After staring and rubbing my eyes, the being was gone. I sat there in bed and decided to write my experience with the tall glowing figure. It felt masculine in nature and had to be at least close to 7 feet tall. Then I started to recall my dream and analyze it, I was in some sort of college that I felt I had graduated from many years back in the astral plane yet it also felt like a private school, a spiritual school. Within these classrooms I entered a humongous cathedral and it was quite dazzling with tall ceilings that seemed like they were as far as the skies. In the center of the pathway towards the temple was an elevated floating platform with a specific saint standing on it and he held a Shepherds Staff in one hand and in the other he held its metallic rod with a crucifix of Jesus on it and a glowing golden light. I can also see what I can describe as a raven on his shoulder and a broken chalice at his feet. Next to him there were 4 figures that looked like monks and they were holding together what seemed to be a glass type of pine cone filled with healing liquid that reminded me of the Holy Grail. Funny that in this dream I was also wearing some sort of a monk's robe. I said, “who can the Saint be in the dream and I heard Saint Benedict repeatedly. Then between me and the monks we all started praying together the Lord's prayer. As we continued our prayer, I felt someone place a necklace with a medallion over my head. I did not understand the cross and symbols until later when I woke up to discover that it was the Jubilee Medallion of Saint Benedict. Then I felt an instant download of information and I heard “crack the codes as they are within you” and that's when I woke up to the glowing white tall figure in my room.

There  was much symbolism within the dream but with clarity which I understood. I decided to look up this interesting and wonderful saint in my books and did a little research online and what didn't make sense then finally made full sense why I was shown this particular saint out of the many saints in heaven. I decided to insert some of the information with links at the end of channeling for you to read. I need an extra day to really sit with this as there is a message of controversy and of truth. How can I deliver this message just as I have done with my previous messages without holding back in fear that I may lose my audience and clients. After channeling on the recent lunar eclipse of June 5/6 with Archangel Metatron, I felt the surge of the divine energy as if GOD's hands came over me and I said to myself, “It is time to express your truth which is your authenticity. You are not here to satisfy the minds of others but to help awaken and serve others to your their highest capability,” then I realized I had just channeled my higher self by the name of "EROS." With this being said, I will be giving you all the information regarding logical and understandable details combined with my channeling message thereafter.

About Saint Benedict

He is petitioned for ending fevers, kidney disease, against poisons, against evil temptations, for increasing faith, protection against contagious disease, for a prosperous business, for expected mother's safe delivery, during storms, dangers from land or sea, healing of sick animals, and assistance at the time of death.

Yes, looking at this information, it certainly relates with what's going on in our 2020 year. We look at the prayer that is petitioned for heaven's help when it states protection against contagious disease, fevers, and Covid-19. We also look at the petition for a prosperous business and people are struggling financially and we are dealing with a massive global financial drop and everyone is trying to survive.

We can also look at the message in every card to protection during storms whether it is from land or sea and we have had an increase of hurricanes, floods, and brush fires due to severe global climate change. We are witnessing and experiencing these monumental effects on our oceans and our lands. Your mother Earth has been resetting and it will be less tragic if you pay attention to what’s happening around the world when it comes to the weather. Now with protection against evil temptations we can also agree that the rise of alcoholism and substance abuse has increased due to these stressful times.

Don't worry I will be getting to my point and channeling soon enough. LOL! I now want to point out a few last things from this divine monk/saint. It's interesting that he is also petitioned for protection of expectant mothers to help them through delivery and as far as we know very young babies can't contract the coronavirus. Saint Benedict is of the monastic and he helps with protection against poisoning,  like biohazardous chemicals (i.e. a biohazardous weapon) as I spoke about in previous channeling newsletters. And last but not least, another major key word is that Saint Benedict is a patron of speleology (the scientific study of caves and other karst features). Know that this will be interesting as I insert that into the channeling and I will leave links after the message so that you can look up more detailed scientific information.

And we begin...

“There is much persuasion going on in your world. There are many who are confused and do not know what to believe. Your world seems to be flipped upside down in your reality, but truly, you are living in between the 3D and 4D realities. There are several of you that have stepped in and out of the 5D reality while awake but mostly during your sleep/dream/astral time. Much work lies ahead. We observe and watch you from our space fleet and our perspective seems to be clear that you are all at war with each other and within yourselves. This is not higher spiritual thinking as opinions and beliefs can damage friendships and loved ones. Now, yes we agree that God has given you all free will to live, think and be BUT you take much abuse of the gifts that have been given to you by your Creator, our Creator, THE CREATOR of ALL THAT IS, ever was and ever will be, everlasting, Alpha and Omega.”

“We speak here of division within your political world. We do not side with either left nor right, we are here to help all unite but it starts with you ALL. If you cannot learn to live in unity with your own belief systems and respect one another, then how do you expect the Ashtar Command and space crew to defend and assist you? We can’t do all the work for you but we can assist you with love and light. We only answer to the highest call and the highest order of God to signal us if and when we must step in for an emergency landing and evacuation. We would prefer to descend in peace and share our technologies of healing. In the meantime, it is up to you to do what is necessary to stay alert, to evolve, and to listen to your intuitive guidance.”

“We will speak of Saint Benedict’s message and interpret the meaning through your conduit channel EROS. We are not here to bring in fear but to speak of truth and to have spiritual understanding of what is going on in your world, what is to be expected next, and how to protect yourself. Many of you may believe that COVID-19 is a hoax but it is VERY REAL indeed. Yes, there have been many deaths and yes there have been many recoveries, and yes both sides of the aisle in America have been playing a chess game to manipulate and control. However, be rest assured that your medical teams are working on medical miracles BEYOND a vaccine which will actually do more for you similar to the liquid fluid from the pine cone glass. This is also something you can download and manifest into your reality. These will be the key code ingredients that will be created by the experts in the medical fields, but as spiritual light workers, you must put it out into the universe as this is symbolic of the healing pine glass. This considered the 108-faceted prism which is activated during the drawing of the higher energies into the crown chakra therefore it activates the pineal gland Fibonacci Spiral Sequence which brings healing modalities for all diseases, not only viruses. This also brings activation of truth - to help you tell the difference between those who are the truth speakers and those who are not, and to also help you detect which are the true world leaders that are being helpful and honest at this time on your planet. Focus on the healing team to manifest these ingredients for them. You signed up for this mission so it is your duty star seeds!”

“Just like Saint Benedict has a raven as a messenger, so did Moses and many others within the biblical realm as well as other world religions where birds have been a guide. It is up to you to make sure you are in tune with that which is divine to tell the difference if you are receiving a message of light and truth and not one of dark and dishonesty.”

“We also speak of SPELEOLOGY. This is the scientific study of caves and other karst features. Our conduit understands that this is a makeup of structure, physical properties, history, life forms and the process by which they form (speleogenesis), and how they can change over time (speleomorphology). What we are speaking of here today is that the studies of caves and creatures within caves such as bats, are the carriers of one of the compounds found within COVID-19. As our conduit EROS researches and finds online that speleology is a cross-disciplinary field that combines the knowledge of chemistry, biology, geology, physics and meteorology, we say this...”

“In the multi-layer perspective, this disease was not supposed to manifest into your world yet it manifested due to the human condition not evolving back in 2012 which should have been an evolution of your highest potential. We understand there are more deadly diseases out in your world and we speak of what is not an accident. The coronavirus manifested in this form to wake everyone up, to take you into a place of silence and see and seek and grow within the self first. No one can lie to themselves if they are with and within themselves. This also manifested much-needed unity within families, loved ones, and relationships at this time while others may have been left all alone. BUT behold and be strong as your reward to be with your divine's twin flame will be near and forever. Do not go off-subject and off-course! We focus on the answers to your questions when we speak of this specific disease and it's creation. As patron of speleology, the sheer coincidence of Saint Benedict's message regarding chemistry, biology, geology, physics, meteorology that we speak of is the bioweapon that was created and we speak of its physical properties and how it has a life of its own now. It carries a draconian vibration which our conduit has spoken of earlier this year and with this energy you can put together what draconian and bats have in common, which is an extra lower terrestrial mix and a thirst for blood and soul energy.

“What we have here is something from out of this world which was not created by one but by many across the globe. Many of you do not want to believe this truth but it is so and what is more important is that as seasons change there will also be a change in the virus which morph into something far worse. You do not have the technologies to fully understand the plague that has been unleashed in your world. Just like the tales of humans turning into vampires, this disease has and can have the capability to shape shift and morph into something worse within the body. Many of you are not taking this serious enough and are following many false matrixes and listening to false conspiracy theories even within your political world. You are just now in the calm of the storm, a high spike lies ahead as we move towards the fall and winter. This is a fact and it goes for everyone around the world whether you have the four seasons of change or not  because this is activated by your 5G towers which, in turn, activates your devices with 5G antennas. We urge you to be cautious and start shielding!”

“Saint Benedict talks about protection against poisons and deadly contagious diseases but he also helps with kidneys as well. We say this, those with kidney and liver issues may be vulnerable coming up in fall/winter so hydrate! Hydrate! hydrate! Increase your vitamin D levels and combine it with calcium. COVID-19 has a life of its own and will possibly morph into something completely different so those with any pre-existing conditions and forms of diseases can be affected and be more vulnerable than the average person. Take care of your health and also take care of the health of your animals as next time around it is certain that animals will be affected more, and not just domestic animals but those in the wild as well. These are endings times but new beginnings as well. As far as domestic animals are concerned, their vulnerability is due to the fact that they are an extension of ourselves or shall we say a higher exceptional aspect of ourselves from birth and living within our presence. Remember animals collect from Earth and when we are sick and stressed they absorb our negativity which in turn shortens their lifespan. This is part of our soul contract that we have with them but just as you take care of yourself, you transfer that energy to them and they will remain happy and healthy. Protect yourselves out there, the battle is not over yet but will be soon. enough as this is the new norm temporarily!  Be well, be prosperous and be happy!”

Archangels, Saint Benedict, The Star-Field, Crystal Max thru Crystal Razz

Channeled by Ernesto J Cardona a.k.a. EROS



© 2013 The Oracle Eye
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