As I sit here in meditation with pen and paper while holding a cluster of Celestite Quartz Crystals in my other hand in the silence of it all, calm, peaceful with a light gentle breeze I tune in and open myself to the higher perspective in my protective space. Many birds just started chirping outside at this precise moment as I AM about to channel the message of spirit…So beautiful the music being created by the birds as they sing in this unique rhythmic melody in beautiful it sounds…As I listen I'm inclined to peak out the window but do not want to lose the connection. It's been a long time since I have Channeled in this way for you all…I feel a presence that has entered above and diagonally to my right….Michael!!!
Don't be worried! I am here with my brother Raphael to deliver a message so thank you Ernesto for allowing us to work with you as a conduit today.
We are here to deliver a message of love and not of panic.
What you all on Earth speak of this manifested pandemic is not to focus on it but what is of importance which is to be kind to each other! (Remember 9/11?!)
This is not the time to focus on where, how, or who but more on what to do NOW!
We encourage you to be still…There is plentiful for everyone and for the short time being, allow it to be so you all can return back to your natural lives in a more renewed positive way.
There is a proper system being planned and prepared at this time and can be in sync between the earthly ways and the higher perspective if you all just follow the RULES!
What we are trying to convey is to be RESPONSIBLE!
All will go well if everyone works in Divine Order as fear attracts more illusion and negativity which you are drawing to yourselves.
Social disconnection is the medicine of healing if you have been given that option or can make that happen for yourselves. If so, then do so and respect everyone's wishes to be safe as it is not personal.
Be smart and wise and allow this unfortunate event to blow over…as this too shall pass.
As your world goes in silence, open your senses to the beauty of Mother Earth and appreciate what she has provided for you ALL!
Learn and understand not to take for granted the unlimited supply, resources, luxury and easy lifestyles that are easily and readily given to you.
Retreat if you can and review your life's purpose. Do an inventory of where you were and are today and as you reflect and wait patiently, create a better tomorrow and grow from this experience. These are the measurements of healthy boundaries.
Open your heart…
Allow yourself to receive this transmission with intent NOW from All that is of Divine, God, Goddess, Love and Protective Light from the Universe as you continue to read this article…
I AM protected from all directions and times Now and forever more!
I call upon my higher-self which is my direct link and connection to the Infinite wisdom which is God!
My silvery white tube of light is activated!
I accept the downloads of Emerald Green light-codes of knowledge and healing now
And with great love and respect I accept the Ruby Robe of light for Divine protection, courage and strength to drop over my human body now as it fills me with its blessings. I open my hands and arms out with joy and receive the golden-liquid light to shower over me!
I am a pillar of Rainbow Crystalline light and radiate its magnificence out into my home, environment, neighborhood and expand this love to the entire planet activating Gaia's 5th dimensional template!
Congratulations! We hope our message, transmission and closing meditation helped you as it is an ACTIVATION!
I AM Archangel Michael accompanied by Archangel Raphael
Channeled by Ernesto J Cardona
P.S. Till next time!
You are amazing Ernesto, your truly Gods messenger. I am reading this with goosebumps and coldness all around me..❤😇🙏
Thank you... message was beautiful! 😘
Thank you! 😘
Beautiful!!! 🙏🏻💙