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Writer's pictureErnesto Cardona J (Oracle)

Archangel Metatron - Lunar Eclipses Activation (June 5/6, June 21st and July4/5 2020 Part #1

Last night I saw my white horn owl for the fourth time over the past two years. I was with my partner and our precious doggy & my personal crystal quartz skull which has named himself Razz. I was overjoyed as I had just lighted an incense to the universe as an offering under the full moon with a sparkler to celebrate life and asking for clarity. The one thing I would’ve loved to have had was my phone out with me to take a picture of the White Owl circling for the first time above us as it usually flies from south to north except for that one time in the winter when it was flying from north to south. But we realized that the time was 2:22am! So I got inspired and said OK it’s time to write and went back in and sat next to my Crystal and book~

The book of knowledge:


Beloved ones,

With the many light workers, dream-weavers, earth angels, StarSeeds, Master healers, ground crew and avatars!

We have summoned you all! We have heard your calls as you have heard ours. It is within this act that brings us together in unity which is the act of peace, love and ONLY this is what brings everyone together.

We see many that follow the spiritual path and are living in their authentic self with integrity while there are others that are using and abusing their spiritual platform to control and manipulate others into their own personal beliefs systems that are of the false matrix, ego and power, and creating division between ALL!

Do not allow yourself to be misguided. Follow your hearts which is your true source of information and is connected directly to the voice of God!

There are many here on Earth working as psychics, mediums, channels, healers, reverends, and leaders (to name a few) to serve others and then there are those that are here for self service or that contain a deep rooted anger with a sense of entitlement or to be ‘right’ above anyone else. Do not be fooled as your Holy Bible word and in many religious cultures around the world have spoken of the many false prophets! They will come in disguise to act as if they are connected to the collective Galactic Federation of Light to disrupt and steer you in the wrong direction, taking advantage of the precious gifts that we have given you all to share in unity with peace and love.

There is only one Messiah and we know him as Yeshua/Jesus also known as his higher multi-dimensional aspect as Lord Sananda!

There is NO one true man or woman on Earth at this time that is the “chosen one,” as we are ALL chosen as the 144,000 Cosmic Christ Consciousness within us ALL!

Awaken Dear Ones! Awaken from the illusions we all have cracked and hijacked the matrix!

Many Ascended Masters are among you now. You’ll see the images and statues in sacred places around the world. They are encouraging you to ignite your inner flame and be a pillar to your communities, neighborhoods and your entire planet.

Gaia’s heart beats with many emotions and sure she has carried and absorbed from all that have been here on her land since she birthed you for eons of time within the third dimensional reality. Imagine your mother having trillions of children and beyond that she’s given birth to and taken care of for millenniums.

It’s time to give back!

Create a peaceful world, live in harmony,

use discernment, and listen to your intuition. What may ring true to one may not ring true to someone else.

Our conduit/channel Ernesto a.k.a Eros from the higher self perspective has spoken about all the higher-ups minds (extraterrestrials and ultra-terrestrial operating in a completely different manner than the human thoughts by being so advanced culturally in their spiritual nature that It would blow your minds. And yes, how completely opposite we are in how we choose to live but the one thing we truly do have in common is the universal language of light and love and in this there is TRUTH. (Inserted imprint activation✨)

It is in your best interest to stop the violence, hatred, racism, anger and plots as you are a reflection of one another thereby attracting more of the same.

You all seek truth and ask for truth and you are receiving it, you got it! There is nothing to hide as ALL are EXPOSED. So be the solution, let your inner light shine now and let it spread like wildfires as you expand your

Mer-Ka-Ba energy field and in unity all will rise!

As we heal the World we heal you. We have placed your medical teams (Nurses under the Emerald rays and Doctors under the Indigo/Emerald rays of Archangel Raphael and his Golden caduceus) so keep up the good work.

You are not all there yet but you are close. You will live to see the day of medical miracles and healings to manifest.

So in closing we say “be strong, be wise and live your truth peacefully!”

I AM Archangel Metatron

And The Star-Field

Channeled by Ernesto a.k.a Eros

P.S. Inserted Imprint Activation✨ Are within this transmission from my previous 2013 Channeling Newsletter from the-

Twenty Four Elder Councils of Light!🌌✨

These downloads and key codes are reactivated as needed at this time!

Love the artwork but I do not take credit on Image.

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