Divine Design Message from King Solomon and Queen Sheba.
This is critical mass point we say to you all. Children of the earth!
To all humanity, we say unto you, open your eyes to see and your ears to hear, and open your heart to feel the true Divine guidance that is filtering and being downloaded to Mother Earth through the Cosmic Father/Mother ONE from the heart of the Great Central Sun.
Don't you see what's happening in your world?! As chaos and negativity continues, there are clear signs of The Makers of Peace & Love counteracting the roles of others and illuminating positive beautiful light energy to your home! (Mother Gaia)
Everything you see, hear and feel around you, whether its personally or while you interact with others, to yourselves, through dreams/sleep time, or intuitively when your awake, or also through the world news/media stream…You have the answers!
They are right under your nose, or shall we say right before your eyes.
Truth is being revealed! Your own truth may not be someone or anyone's else's truth, so there is no wrong or right but only what is!
Honor your truth without judgements or opinions of everyone else's truth even if you don't agree as both are truths. They may come together in their own individual way to collectively make up for the Divine Design of Creator(God/Goddess) which knows best! If humanity stops fighting one another and follow theirs paths while keeping an open mind and heart embracing each others opinions without anger , hate or war, then we will all come along way and evolve as a human race at least 90% closer to 5D (Higher 4D).
We from the higher ethers, King Solomon and Queen Sheba announce the anchoring of the royal blood and spiritual emmissaries (Holy Twin Flames volunteers) for the Divine Design of the union between Prince Harry Duke of Sussex and Meghan Duchess of Sussex.
Anchoring (Anchored) the Divine Feminine and Masculine Light Energies Of Ascended Jesus and Mary Magdalene NOW unto, into around and about the globe inside out! LOVE!
New times are coming. You all spiritual light workers, do your part and contribute to the world with your positive intentions, prayers, light, love and work with all of us in the higher realms and together with the angels we will ALL sing and rejoice in union with our fellow star families as one through out the cosmos and back!
Channeled by, Ernesto J Cardona