Everything is vibrations! Here are some ancient yet futuristic advance activations that Ernesto channeled for upcoming Twin Flame Workshop.
Golden Copper Rose Diamond Light Rays Activation~
Preparing self love to Goddess/God Love,
To love another and be ready for true and real Divine Relationship and commitment
King Solomon's & Queen Sheba's~
Spiritual Etheric Love Potion Magic Activation.
Just like in the Holy Scriptures, this meditation is to bring lovers together in such a lustful yet loving way, burning the midnight oil as two souls crosses paths in an unknown magical way. This is just an intro of this download.
Hathor's Egyptian Ankh Soul Past Lives Activation~
Symbol of Eternal Lives reunion Activation. To reconnect longing of Soul Mate in a seductive way, passionately playfulness were you can't get enough of each other.
Ashtar & Athena Pallas Divine Infinity Star Blueprint Soul Contract Recognition Activation~
To find, attract and recognize your Twin Flame
from love at first sight by experiencing knowing you finally meet again and nothing can break you apart since you know each other from eons of time, here on earth as well as from other timelines in other planetary systems, dimensions and Universes!
What an exciting thought these Activations will bring into your present reality!
For more info in attending workshop this Monday February 13. 2017~ Contact Goddess Elite to reserve your chair 440-777-7211